A Meta Analysis Study for Graduate Thesis on Media Literacy in Turkey
Emel Arik 1 * ,
Muhammet Bilal Arik 2 More Detail
1 Akdeniz University, Antalya, TURKEY
2 Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Aydın, TURKEY
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 11, Issue 4, Article No: e202121.
OPEN ACCESS 1534 Views 2179 Downloads Published online: 08 Sep 2021
Media literacy includes the ability to access media messages in various contexts and formats, to be equipped to receive and detect these messages correctly and ultimately to produce new messages. It is a concept that gives the control power over the masses and makes border between the real world and the world created by the media. Media literacy has often been subject to scientific studies in higher education, especially in the fields of communication and education. This study aims to identify the general academic tendencies and approaches in the field of media literacy by examining the postgraduate theses written to the present day with the method of meta-analysis. It has been observed that the number of theses which have been written about this subject has been continuously increasing for about 13 years. In this article it is aimed to determine which research methods have been used in the theses written, what were the research focuses and their ideological orientations. In addition, the article contains current data about media literacy. This study, which analyzes all the theses written about media literacy until 2020, aims to contribute to the relevant literature by means of analyzing the nature of the postgraduate theses.
Arik, E., & Arik, M. B. (2021). A Meta Analysis Study for Graduate Thesis on Media Literacy in Turkey.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 11(4), e202121.
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