A New Creative Culture Example: The Case of the ‘What will be Happen News Bulletin’ in North Cyprus
Dilan Ciftci 1 * ,
Fuat Bogac Evren 2 * More Detail
1 Assist. Prof. Dr., Department of Journalism, Near East University, Near East Boulevard, Nicosia -TRNC
2 Res.Assist., Department of Visual Communication and Design, Near East University, Near East Boulevard, Nicosia - TRNC
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 8, Issue 4, pp. 385-398.
OPEN ACCESS 2800 Views 1680 Downloads Published online: 12 Nov 2018
The aim of the current study is to explore the conceptual development of trolling behavior and creative culture on new media in the North Cyprus especially on the 2015 Presidential Election. Cyprus presents a unique opportunity for the investigation of creative language and related issues due to its vibrant and unevolved media systems. Currently, there is no comprehensive study that incorporates the conceptual development of trolling culture in North Cyprus political communication in general. This study is also significant for application of the trolling culture in North Cyprus political communication as an election campaign strategy during the horse-race periods. In total, 23 videos were coded according to codebook with regard to creative language and the characteristics of trolling behavior. In order to provide a conceptual definition of the meaning of troll culture for Turkish Cypriots small survey was conducted by 100 Cypriots. The present data suggests that What Will Be Happen News Bulletin 2015 Presidential Election videos in YouTube channel demonstrated higher creative culture examples, which represent classical trolling behavior. The analysis of small survey and content-analysis suggest that the Mehmet Ekin Vaiz was unique due to being the first application of Turkish Cypriot political communication is adopting a classical trolling behavior in 2015 Presidential Election.
Ciftci, D., & Evren, F. B. (2018). A New Creative Culture Example: The Case of the ‘What will be Happen News Bulletin’ in North Cyprus.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 8(4), 385-398.
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