Analysing the Mediating Effect of Social Media on Online Shopping Using Partial Least Square
Qaribu Yahaya Nasidi 1 2 * ,
Muhamad Fazil Ahmad 2,
Jamilu Abdulkadir 3,
Murtala Garba 2 4 More Detail
1 Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, NIGERIA
2 University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, MALAYSIA
3 Distance Learning Center, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, NIGERIA
4 Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, NIGERIA
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 12, Issue 2, Article No: e202213.
OPEN ACCESS 2350 Views 1897 Downloads Published online: 22 Mar 2022
Introduction: Online shopping has become more popular due to increased internet usage, and social media has dramatically influenced and modified customer behavior and decisions to buy from online businesses. Because people are busy and have hectic schedules, online shopping has become increasingly popular in the twenty-first century. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the mediating effect of social media on online shopping behavior in Nigeria.
Methodology: The study used quantitative approach and self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data from 380 online shoppers. The study employs the partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach to identify critical dimensions influencing online shopping behavior in Nigeria and to explore the correlational relationships among constructs.
Results: The results and applications of PLS-SEM evolve a variety of findings; advertising had an insignificant effect on online shopping behavior, while a positive relationship was found between advertising and social media effect. Similarly, the proposed relationship between social media effect and online shopping behavior is supported. In contrast, the projected relationship between trust and online shopping behavior is significant. Finally, the result revealed a strong correlation between trust and online shopping behavior.
Implication: The study contributed to the existing literature and have significant practical implications that can help managers and marketers of online stores to take measures on factors that may influence online shopping behavior in Nigeria.
Nasidi, Q. Y., Ahmad, M. F., Abdulkadir, J., & Garba, M. (2022). Analysing the Mediating Effect of Social Media on Online Shopping Using Partial Least Square.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 12(2), e202213.
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