Analysis of Approaches of Communication in the Fight Against Hiv/Aids in Higher Education Institutions: The Case of Bahir Dar University Anti-Hiv/Aids Movements (Ethiopia)

Adem Chanie Ali 1 *, Lemma Kassaye Sileshi 1
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1 Bahir Dar University, Ethopia
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 32-51.
OPEN ACCESS   1587 Views   974 Downloads   Published online: 24 Oct 2012
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The study sheds light on the approaches of communication in higher education institutions in Ethiopia with special focus on Bahir Dar University. For this end, qualitative approach has been employed to gather the data required. The findings obtained reveal that the university anti-HIV/AIDS movements have become dependent on print media which were provided by NGOs and GOs for communicating their goals though the campaign against HIV/AIDS requires multidimensional tools. Unable to integrate other communication approaches such as broadcast media and internet has made the movements to fail to achieve the desired goals set as an end. The movements’ lack of clear strategic plan has also contributed its own role for the movements not to be successful in their attempt to fight the pandemic. Moreover, lack of commitment on the part of the management of the university, infrequent trainings and other social events, lack of coordination and financial problems have highly hindered the movements’ communication works. Thus, the findings have clearly revealed that communication has been downplayed in the movements’ attempts to fight the epidemic. Because of this, behavior change in BDU is still unattainable goal. To alleviate the problem, it is highly recommended that a clear strategic plan needs to be designed in the way it directs clear, appropriate and integrated communication approaches, employing both mass media and non mass media outlets in addition to interpersonal communication for effective communication works.


Ali, A. C., & Sileshi, L. K. (2012). Analysis of Approaches of Communication in the Fight Against Hiv/Aids in Higher Education Institutions: The Case of Bahir Dar University Anti-Hiv/Aids Movements (Ethiopia). Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 2(4), 32-51.