Analysis of big data on the manifestations of cultural alienation on the X platform in Saudi Arabia
Atikah Abdulrazaq Alhamad 1 2 * ,
Amjaad Tariq Mujallid 1,
Jamilah Mohammed Alamri 1 More Detail
1 Department of Educational Technology, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, SAUDI ARABIA
2 Department of Educational Technology and Design, University of Jeddah, Jeddah, SAUDI ARABIA
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 15, Issue 2, Article No: e202517.
OPEN ACCESS 165 Views 47 Downloads Published online: 19 Mar 2025
This study aims to analyze the manifestations of cultural alienation in Saudi society as reflected in tweets on the X platform during the period 2022–2024, using big data analysis tools, the Python programming language, and the Power BI software. The results indicate the following rankings for the four manifestations of cultural alienation: social isolation (38%), rebellion (30%), aimlessness (29%), and anomie (4%). The study adopted a quantitative content analysis methodology, employing social media data analysis, which contributed to providing accurate and up-to-date findings. Additionally, the results highlight both alignment and discrepancies with previous studies on the ranking of cultural alienation manifestations, emphasizing the importance of digital data in offering new insights to understand this phenomenon. The study concludes with recommendations to address the manifestations of social isolation, which ranked first, and to work on fostering belongingness and goal orientation among individuals in relation to Saudi society.
Alhamad, A. A., Mujallid, A. T., & Alamri, J. M. (2025). Analysis of big data on the manifestations of cultural alienation on the X platform in Saudi Arabia.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 15(2), e202517.
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