Armed Forces as an Element of National Power, and Compulsory Military Service
Suat Begec 1 *
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1 Turkey
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 179-198.
OPEN ACCESS 1457 Views 1825 Downloads Published online: 25 Oct 2013
Whether military service should be done as a national duty or left to the professionals has been discussed for a long time both in Turkey and across the world. In order to answer this question and make relevant suggestions, this paper begins with the recruitment system in the Turkish Armed Forces during the history. Subsequently, armed forces of neighbor countries, their communication strategies and of those politically linked with Turkey as well as the world armies carrying weight for the scope of this study are all analyzed. Thirdly, current military service and its flawed aspects are explained. Finally come suggestions on how the military service should be.
Begec, S. (2013). Armed Forces as an Element of National Power, and Compulsory Military Service.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 3(4), 179-198.