Beyond the image: A quantitative investigation of effects of public relations strategies on personal branding, communication practices, and reputation management

Mohammed Murdhi Alshammari 1 * , Salem Sabah Matar Alshammari 2
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1 Faculty of Media and Public Relations, Saad Al-abdullah Security Sciences Academy, Shuwaikh Industrial, KUWAIT
2 Ministry of Information, Kuwait City, KUWAIT
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 15, Issue 1, Article No: e202509.
OPEN ACCESS   689 Views   229 Downloads   Published online: 13 Feb 2025
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Personal branding is a critical tool in public relations (PR), affected by the evolving landscape of globalized communication. The dynamic digital environment poses challenges for PR practitioners, requiring them to ensure their communication efforts are acknowledged amid social, economic, and cultural shifts. This research examines the effect of PR strategies on personal branding, communication practices, and organizational reputation, guided by impression management theory. Data acquired from 291 PR professionals in Kuwait is further evaluated using partial least square-structural equation modelling. Findings showed that PR strategies significantly affect personal branding, indicating that the relevant organizations focus on personal branding by adopting PR strategies in the best possible manner. The effect of PR strategies on communication practices further remained significant as respondents revealed PR practices to improve organizational communication. Finally, the proposed effect of PR strategies on reputation management among organizations also remained significant. Gathered data indicated certain PR initiatives, strategies, communication efforts, mitigating reputational threats, and others to ensure reputation management by the relevant practitioners. Thus, the results offer valuable insights for PR practitioners in Kuwait to navigate the online environment and strategically cultivate their brands to improve individual and organizational reputations. Recognizing the significance of PR strategies in personal branding and reputation management helps professionals position themselves effectively in the digital sphere, eventually contributing to the success of individual careers and organizational goals.


Alshammari, M. M., & Alshammari, S. S. M. (2025). Beyond the image: A quantitative investigation of effects of public relations strategies on personal branding, communication practices, and reputation management. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 15(1), e202509.


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