Big Social Data Analytics: Opportunities, Challenges and Implications on Society
R. Devakunchari 1 *, C. Valliyammai 1
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1 Anna University (MIT campus), India
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 6, Issue September 2016 - Special Issue, pp. 17-32.
OPEN ACCESS 1840 Views 899 Downloads Published online: 01 Sep 2016
Big social data analysis is an interdisciplinary domain that uses advanced analytics to identify the key influence in a communication network that shrinks and grows rapidly in a near real-time fashion. It brings together various disciplines such as social media analysis, information retrieval techniques, reasoning, natural language processing (opinion mining), graph mining and analysis, linguistics, machine learning, multimedia management and big data processing. The role of big social data analysis in the growth of a business is larger than what meets the eye, but many enterprises are unaware of how this data influence their expansion. The analysis of information gathered from consumer transactions, communication devices, online activities and streaming devices are used to uncover hidden patterns. The right tools and a foolproof strategy are highly important to utilize information from social data to the fullest. The power of social media along with the emerging big data technology offers abundant opportunities for achieving business growth and if channeled properly, it could be leveraged for the betterment of society. The main goal of this paper is to emphasize the opportunities and challenges provided by dynamic social network data with its implications on the society
Devakunchari, R., & Valliyammai, C. (2016). Big Social Data Analytics: Opportunities, Challenges and Implications on Society.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 6(September 2016 - Special Issue), 17-32.
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