Blogging during a Crisis: Threat and Efficacy in Online Communication during a Hurricane
Toni Siriko Hoang 1 *
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1 University of Houston-Downtown, USA
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 1-30.
OPEN ACCESS 1650 Views 1287 Downloads Published online: 15 Apr 2015
Analyses of weather blogs reveal topics discussed by bloggers before Hurricane Ike. Messages included all four components (perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, response efficacy, and self-efficacy) of the Extended Parallel Process Model only 13% of the time. As time approached hurricane landfall, findings suggest bloggers fail to motivate protective behavior, for which threat and efficacy appeals must be present. The threat/efficacy disproportion could have profound effects when one considers the timing of the messages. Overall, perceived severity appeared most frequently in posts, and response efficacy was present more in readers’ comments.
Hoang, T. S. (2015). Blogging during a Crisis: Threat and Efficacy in Online Communication during a Hurricane.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 5(2), 1-30.