ChatGPT as a coping mechanism for social isolation: An analysis of user experiences and perceptions of social support

Mohammed Alzyoudi 1 * , Karima Al Mazroui 1
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1 Mohamed Bin Zayed University for Humanities, Abu Dhabi, UAE
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 14, Issue 3, Article No: e202433.
OPEN ACCESS   1608 Views   2226 Downloads   Published online: 14 May 2024
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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between social isolation, ChatGPT usage, and social support perceptions among older adults. A sample of 65 participants aged 50 and above completed self-report questionnaires assessing social isolation, ChatGPT usage, and social support perceptions. The results indicated that social isolation is moderately prevalent among older adults, and ChatGPT usage is significantly related to social support perceptions, independent of age, gender, education, and employment status. The findings suggest that ChatGPT may be a useful tool for addressing social isolation among older adults. The study provides insight into the potential benefits of using ChatGPT as an alternative source of social support for older adults experiencing social isolation.


Alzyoudi, M., & Al Mazroui, K. (2024). ChatGPT as a coping mechanism for social isolation: An analysis of user experiences and perceptions of social support. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 14(3), e202433.


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