Clickbait: Research, challenges and opportunities – A systematic literature review

Daniel Jácobo-Morales 1 * , Mauro Marino-Jiménez 1
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1 Facultad de Comunicación, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Lima, PERU
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Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 14, Issue 4, Article No: e202458.
OPEN ACCESS   542 Views   130 Downloads   Published online: 03 Oct 2024
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Clickbait is a concept whose research has been increasing since 2018. Four main approaches are distinguished: (1) the development of algorithms and programs to detect it, (2) the semantic techniques used in headlines and texts, (3) the awakening of curiosity in the audience, and (4) the credibility of the headlines. Therefore, the research is proposed as a systematic literature review with the objective of analyzing the trends in studies on clickbait in the Scopus and Web of Science databases from January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2023. For this, it uses the PRISMA declaration as a reference. That is, a simple random sampling technique and bibliographic analysis, according to the RSL guidelines. After applying the inclusion criteria, it obtained a final sample of 165 studies. Among the main results, it stands out that Europe (n = 77) has the largest number of works. Something similar happens with the English language. With 90%, is the one with the greatest dissemination. Finally, it established the significant themes, the most widespread theories, 11 properties that deepen the four initial approaches, and explain the use of the term. That helps to delimit a path for future research.


Jácobo-Morales, D., & Marino-Jiménez, M. (2024). Clickbait: Research, challenges and opportunities – A systematic literature review. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 14(4), e202458.


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