Community Youth Radio in Rural Ireland
Jason P. Murphy 1 * ,
Kate Bluett 2 More Detail
1 American University in Bulgaria, IRELAND
2 Barnados, IRELAND
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 11, Issue 3, Article No: e202114.
OPEN ACCESS 1256 Views 868 Downloads Published online: 20 Jul 2021
This paper examines using media as a tool with which to engagement young people in in-formal education. It examines two approaches to youth radio and suggests pathways for future projects. The study took place at a community radio station in the West of Ireland, a geographically isolated rural region. The findings suggest that community radio can be a site of innovative, socially conscious media however this requires a strong product focus to audio texts.
Murphy, J. P., & Bluett, K. (2021). Community Youth Radio in Rural Ireland.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 11(3), e202114.
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