Conceptual Approach to the Use of Information Acquired in Social Media for Medial Decisions
Masuma Mammadovа 1 * ,
Zarifa Jabrayilova 1,
Aytac Isayeva 1 More Detail
1 Institute of Information Technology of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku, AZERBAIJAN
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 10, Issue 2, Article No: e202007.
OPEN ACCESS 2312 Views 1281 Downloads Published online: 03 Apr 2020
A conceptual approach to the use of information collected in medical social media for decision-making is proposed. The formation of e-medicine has turned the medical social media environment into an important source of information for improving the medical decision-making process, taking into account public opinion. Referring to this source, the information collected to obtain the data essential for medical decision-making is classified, and the medical social media environment is segmented for user relations. The information collected in the physician-patient segment is taken as a research object, and the inquiries of e-patients in a number of national medical resources are statistically analyzed. Referring to the results and demographic data of e-patients, the activity of the stakeholders in medical social media is assessed, and the informative indicators for medical decisions are defined. The process of medical decision-making is formally described. The results of the study represent an innovative approach to the use of the results of statistical analysis of information collected in the national medical social media to improve medical decision-making. This approach constitutes the conceptual framework for a decision support system to improve the quality of health care, taking into account public opinion.
Mammadovа, M., Jabrayilova, Z., & Isayeva, A. (2020). Conceptual Approach to the Use of Information Acquired in Social Media for Medial Decisions.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 10(2), e202007.
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