Developing Media Literacy Model for Children With Social and Cultural Approach
Eni Maryani 1 *
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1 Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 4, Issue October 2014 - Special Issue, pp. 12-25.
OPEN ACCESS 1500 Views 987 Downloads Published online: 01 Oct 2014
As a multicultural and developing country, Indonesia has a remarkable growth of new media user. The use of new media brought opportunities and risks especially for children as minor. Some problems such as access, skill and knowledge, and cultural gap from global information with the local situation were hard to cope by children with abundant access to the new media. This study conducted to develop a model of media literacy for children in Indonesia.
This study used mixed methods with survey to the elementary school students and in-depth interviews combined with focused group discussions to the students, teachers, and parents.
The result of data analysis revealed that there was a significant gap between the knowledge and skills to use new media among parents and teachers with the children. Meanwhile, the difference in value received by the children of the new media has potential to cause psychological and social conflicts. Therefore, this study recommends an approach which integrates literacy model of technology, education and culture. Media literacy for the children has to be in line with media literacy for their parents and teachers.
Maryani, E. (2014). Developing Media Literacy Model for Children With Social and Cultural Approach.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 4(October 2014 - Special Issue), 12-25.
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