“Do not Make to eat to Troll!”: The Dark Side of Web

Concetta Papapicco 1 * , Isabella Quatera 1
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1 University of Bari, ITALY
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 9, Issue 2, Article No: e201910. https://doi.org/10.29333/ojcmt/5764
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Post-modernity is characterized by virtual phenomena, such as trolling, which undermine the relationship of trust and the image of the Self. Just in anonymity, these special Internet users pursue their provocation goals. At the individual level the phenomenon of trolling involves the splitting between real identity and virtual identity with socially unacceptable behaviors. The research aims to analyze fake profiles and their interactions with quali-quantitative methodologies, through Emotional Analysis, from which it is possible to extract a dataset, useful for the promotion of a digital social culture, in which the Net is the place where it develops connective intelligence.


Papapicco, C., & Quatera, I. (2019). “Do not Make to eat to Troll!”: The Dark Side of Web. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 9(2), e201910. https://doi.org/10.29333/ojcmt/5764


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