Effects and Consequences of Media Technology on Learning and Innovative Educational Strategies
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1 Università degli Studi di Foggia, Foggia, ITALY
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Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 9, Issue 1, Article No: e201902.
OPEN ACCESS 5743 Views 2658 Downloads Published online: 21 Dec 2018
The use of media technology is a possibility of growth and at the same time an educational problem not to be underestimated because of the extreme pervasiveness and diffusion among adolescents. Many of the studies conducted so far, although not validated in the literature, suggest that Internet abuse would be related to dysfunctional and compulsive behaviours, tolerance and impoverishment of the functioning of the individual. This increases the risk of the onset of feelings of loneliness, depressive moods and low self-esteem. The purpose of this article is to examine some aspects of the positive and negative effects of technology in education and socialization of today’s adolescents and the opportunity to use technology during text comprehension tasks (in this case on a geographical track) through a pilot study on Italian adolescents (age m = 12.11). Methodologically, in the first part of the document, a systematic review of the literature of the issues presented in the second part of the experience described, tools used and results obtained was carried out. The conclusions of this research are that the way to overcome the problem of the negative effects of technology is to exploit its educational potential, finalizing it to the construction of meanings and social relationships. In the study conducted, the students took into consideration the use of the highly motivating and stimulating technological tool even if, the general interpretation was better in the print texts than in the digital reading.
Toto, G. A. (2019). Effects and Consequences of Media Technology on Learning and Innovative Educational Strategies.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 9(1), e201902.
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