Effects of message, medium, and motivational factors on news engagement and mobile news consumption: Evidence from Malaysia
Bahiyah Omar 1,
See Kee Ng 1 * ,
Nurzali Ismail 1 More Detail
1 Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, MALAYSIA
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 13, Issue 3, Article No: e202325.
OPEN ACCESS 1058 Views 1198 Downloads Published online: 26 Mar 2023
This study examined the predictors of news engagement and mobile news consumption in Malaysia. Online consumption and engagement of public affairs news were highlighted by collecting data from an online survey among 520 respondents who consume news online. Resultantly, the message factor is the most influential predictor as news credibility was the only significant predictor for news engagement and mobile consumption of public affairs news in Malaysia. Meanwhile, the relationship between online medium and users’ motivation for social utility significantly impact their engagement with public affairs news but not mobile news consumption. Immediacy and information-seeking indicated negligible and insignificant influences. The implications of the study are discussed.
Omar, B., Ng, S. K., & Ismail, N. (2023). Effects of message, medium, and motivational factors on news engagement and mobile news consumption: Evidence from Malaysia.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 13(3), e202325.
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