Equality through the Internet? Communicating Digital Inequality and the Identity of Youth in Turkey
Mine Gencel Bek 1 *, Esin Aygun 1
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1 Ankara University, Turkey
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 20-41.
OPEN ACCESS 1888 Views 1136 Downloads Published online: 26 Oct 2016
This study aims to contribute to the literature on the relationship between the internet and youth, going beyond the binary axis of the opportunities and threats. The authors question the homogeneity of youth. The authors challenge both the protectionist mainstream understanding, which prioritizes protecting young people from the dangers of the Internet, and the discourse of ‘cyber kids’ celebrating the excellence of a new generation in new media use. Using readings of an advertisement by Turkish mobile operator Turkcell by young people from different social classes, this research analyzes references to the Internet and inequality as well as multiple identities: Turkish, Kurdish, American, Westerner, or Easterner. The article reviews the suggestions in the literature contextually and suggests connections with issues of social justice.
Gencel Bek, M., & Aygun, E. (2016). Equality through the Internet? Communicating Digital Inequality and the Identity of Youth in Turkey.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 6(4), 20-41.
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