Evolutions in Photojournalism in India (2001 to 2011)
Pradeep Tewari 1 *
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1 Kurukshetra University, India
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 78-91.
OPEN ACCESS 1521 Views 2706 Downloads Published online: 15 Apr 2015
This study investigated the revolutionary impact of digitization on the photojournalism in India during the 2001 and 2011. The digital camera becomes very popular, almost every person is having a digital camera or cell phone with camera features. Most (82.2%) of the photojournalist strongly agree that the use of digital camera has increased, 65.3% says quality of image increased. 30.7% photojournalist strongly agreed, with the development of new technology newspapers are reducing their photo staff. 74.3% photojournalist strongly agreed the work load of photojournalist has increased . 57.4% photojournalist believed that level of education increased among photojournalist in India.
Tewari, P. (2015). Evolutions in Photojournalism in India (2001 to 2011).
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 5(2), 78-91.