Exploring Arab Media Group’s Motivations for Using Facebook
Abdul-Karim Ziani 1, Mokhtar Elareshi 2, Mokhtar Elareshi 2, Maha Alrashid 1
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1 Bahrain University, Bahrain
2 University of Tripoli, Libya
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 88-111.
OPEN ACCESS 2337 Views 1442 Downloads Published online: 24 Jan 2018
An online survey is reported that was carried out with more than 385 social media users aged 18 and over and extracted from nine Arab countries; Bahrain, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, Jordan and Yemen. This research focuses on the use of Facebook by a selected group called Open Media Library (OML) which have interests in social media use. The aim of this research is to understand how and why users utilise Facebook and what their attitudes and perceptions are towards the purposes of Facebook. It examines how OML users utilise information and knowledge posted on Facebook, their preferred topics and motivations and the gratifications they obtained. Theoretical models of the purposes of Facebook usage in the literature were examined. As stated in the literature, this research confirms that Facebook can be used/defined as communication, collaboration and resource-sharing, as well as for intercultural communication and intercultural relationships. Curiosity and escapism, communication and experience, friendship and entertainment and identification of news and events are the main motivations for using Facebook. The findings are discussed in terms of their implications for the future of social media and its impacts on intercultural communication, media use and intercultural relationships.
Ziani, A.-K., Elareshi, M., Elareshi, M., & Alrashid, M. (2018). Exploring Arab Media Group’s Motivations for Using Facebook.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 8(1), 88-111.
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