Gender Media Political Communicative Dominance: British Brexit Media Discussion

Tatyana A. Shiryaeva 1, Marina R. Zheltukhina 2 * , Yulia N. Ebzeeva 3, Luiza N. Gishkaeva 3, Yulia A. Kosova 3
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1 Department of English Language and Professional Communication, Pyatigorsk State University, Pyatigorsk, RUSSIA
2 Institute of Foreign Languages, Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, Volgograd, RUSSIA
3 Department of Foreign Languages, Рeoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, RUSSIA
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Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 12, Issue 4, Article No: e202230.
OPEN ACCESS   1567 Views   1095 Downloads   Published online: 09 Sep 2022
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The article is devoted to the study of British politicians' male and female speech behavior in the discussion of Brexit by various media. The necessity of gender peculiarities studies is determined by the extreme importance and specific role of the media discourse which defines the "agenda" and "mode of work" of the individual and of various social institutions in modern society, on the one hand, and rapidly growing research interests in gender manifestations in discourse, on the other hand. Institutionalization and ritualization form the basis of the gender manifestation of each personality by their belonging to a certain gender. Nowadays the discourse generation and usage cannot be studied outside of the gender factor. The purpose of this article is to identify and analyze the linguistic gender peculiarities of the British politicians' speech behavior in the political media communication. The article deals with the results of the morphological, semantic, and stylistic analysis of male and female speech behavior of British parliamentarians discussing different aspects of Brexit in the political media discourse in accordance with their gender origin. It was revealed that the frequency of abstract adjectives usage, complete absence of obscene vocabulary, invective words, general courtesy in constructing speeches, confident expression of own opinions, logical assessments of what is happening are the mail typical features of the female British parliamentarians’ speech behavior. While the British male parliamentarians do not care of certain lexical units and lexical-semantic fields selection and attitude creation in the discussion of Brexit problems among British electorate. Male politicians in their speeches prefer a wide range of different stylistic device.


Shiryaeva, T. A., Zheltukhina, M. R., Ebzeeva, Y. N., Gishkaeva, L. N., & Kosova, Y. A. (2022). Gender Media Political Communicative Dominance: British Brexit Media Discussion. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 12(4), e202230.


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