How the content of online pornography depicts expressed consent for insemination
Carmen M. Cusack 1 *
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1 Nova Southeastern University, USA
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 91-110.
OPEN ACCESS 1533 Views 970 Downloads Published online: 25 Jul 2013
Insemination is a sex act that requires consent. Legally, expressed consent eliminates any doubt that consent was absent, especially because the absence of objection does not imply consent. The researcher examined how the content of online pornography depicts expressed consent for insemination. The hypothesis accurately predicted that some films would express consent, some would ambiguously discuss ejaculation or consent, and some would remain silent on the subject. This research is important because it offers insight into how pornographic film actors appear to express consent. This research opens the door to future research on the subjects of nonconsensual insemination, expressed consent, and pornographic depictions of these themes.
Cusack, C. M. (2013). How the content of online pornography depicts expressed consent for insemination.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 3(3), 91-110.