Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Love: Promoting Loyalty in the Restaurant Landscape of Pakistan
Mohammad Danial Ibrahim Sikandar 1 * ,
Qazi Mohammed Ahmed 2 * More Detail
1 MBA Student, Department of Management Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad, PAKISTAN
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad, PAKISTAN
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 9, Issue 4, Article No: e201927.
OPEN ACCESS 5381 Views 3933 Downloads Published online: 07 Oct 2019
This research discusses the impact of social media marketing on establishing brand love and the mediating effect of brand love on promoting brand loyalty in the restaurant landscape of Pakistan. The major focus of carrying out this research was to analyze how different social media advertising elements have a profound impact on establishing brand love and how it leads towards promoting brand loyalty. This research includes three independent variables, one mediating variable and one dependent variable. The independent variables included Word of mouth, trendiness and customization. The mediating variable was brand love and the dependent variable was brand loyalty. The collection of the data was carried out through an online questionnaire made on Google forms and had 303 respondents. The data collected was analyzed through software called SPSS, and different statistical tests such as Cronbach’s Alpha, correlation and regression and Hayes Process to test mediating effect were conducted. The results of these tests indicated that the elements Word of Mouth (WOM), Trendiness and customization do play a major role in establishing brand love and loyalty. The study could be further improved if we include more variables for analyzing the impact of social media.
Ibrahim Sikandar, M. D., & Ahmed, Q. M. (2019). Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Love: Promoting Loyalty in the Restaurant Landscape of Pakistan.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 9(4), e201927.
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