Information Society and Knowledge Gap in The Third World - A Conceptual Approach –
Abdallah Tani Mohammed El Nadir 1 *
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1 University of Mostaganem, Algeria
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 5, Issue September 2015 - Special Issue, pp. 53-63.
OPEN ACCESS 1309 Views 850 Downloads Published online: 01 Sep 2015
Information Society, the term spread in the West and USA, primarily it served as a continuation of the theories that spawned the terms of the industrial society and post-industrial, as is evident from the "title" At the basis of the label technological optimism of capacity to resolve many social problems which are intractable by using the information, other than the descriptive, which codifies and inaugurates the objective spread of "computing" and "media" that interspersed with the social fabric as a whole. And often draws attention to focus on the Japanese experience, which provides an example of the information society in Japan, an ambitious program that aims to create and develop the social structure - Computers distinct include production, distribution and transportation services and management, education and livelihoods, and this social structure - Computer permeate networks télé-computing (télé in Greek meaning away and dimension) so that people can through them to solve their own professional problems by direct contact, and there is a national policy in Japan for the creation and establishment of "industry knowledge" as well as projects to reform the country's social development , including the systems of rehabilitation workforce and of re-distribution, so that the community becomes in its Supreme stages "j - Masuda," who is one of the leaders of that program - to a consumer society and prosperous of high class, and then going to solve all personal problems - according to this belief - and its requirement of creativity and self-realization through the global use of planetary information, so they attaches a great hopes on the "globalization" and "internationalization" of the trends of new information - that is for "computing" the society and its global planetary "medias".
El Nadir, A. T. M. (2015). Information Society and Knowledge Gap in The Third World - A Conceptual Approach –.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 5(September 2015 - Special Issue), 53-63.
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