Learning from Interpersonal Communication Course
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1 Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 7, Issue December 2017 - Special Issue, pp. 40-46.
OPEN ACCESS 1641 Views 1141 Downloads Published online: 01 Dec 2017
The present study investigates Interpersonal Communication (IPC) Course in Faculty of Communication and Media Studies at Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) in summer school 2017. It seeks to explore how students gain information through experiential knowledge from IPC course whereas this course taught students about self-awareness based on constructivist theory and helped them use their experiences for creating their own knowledge. This IPC course also tried to teach them how to develop their own knowledge then transfers to their lives. Participants of the study were chosen from both Turkish and English IPC course with based on ethnographic approach and focus group was used for data collection in order to understanding deeply students’ opinions, experiences, and awareness about IPC in their lives.
Kahraman, E. (2017). Learning from Interpersonal Communication Course.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 7(December 2017 - Special Issue), 40-46.