Media and non-media sources for disaster risk reduction

Zarqa Shaheen Ali 1 2 *
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1 University of Auckland, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
2 ICL Graduate Business School, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 13, Issue 3, Article No: e202322.
OPEN ACCESS   1842 Views   1722 Downloads   Published online: 21 Mar 2023
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Media and non-media sources are used for disaster risk reduction (DRR). This study aims to investigate the use of media such as social media, television, newspapers, radio and non-media channels such as mobile phone, family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, government and local authorities for DRR. A survey was conducted in order to obtain quantitative data; 384 respondents from various universities of Pakistan were asked to fill the questionnaire using random sampling. Focus groups with the faculty members of Pakistani universities were also conducted to support the quantitative data. Findings of the study indicate that all major forms of media, including radio, television, newspapers and social media were providing information about DRR. The women were more inclined to get information from social media about DRR and were less likely to use radio for the same purpose. Television was the second most important source regarding DRR. In comparison to the role of media in providing information about DRR, where social media was ranked first for getting information on DRR, television news overrides social media when it comes to effectiveness of media sources. While DRR prepares the public for challenges, which may arise before, during, and after a disaster, the respondents tend to only discuss environmental catastrophes with family, friends, neighbors or co-workers once a disaster occurs. Women use mobile phones to inform unaffected family members about the crippling effects of a specific disaster in their daily lives. Although the government is the primary stakeholder tasked with caring for the general public, it was not considered as valuable by the respondents when compared with other communication modes.


Ali, Z. S. (2023). Media and non-media sources for disaster risk reduction. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 13(3), e202322.


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