Micro-influencers: An emerging profession not yet recognized, with a tarnished reputation
Clara Marchán Sanz 1,
Erika Fernández Gómez 1 * ,
Beatriz Feijoo 2 More Detail
1 Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Logroño, SPAIN
2 Universidad Villanueva, Madrid, SPAIN
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 15, Issue 2, Article No: e202515.
OPEN ACCESS 278 Views 110 Downloads Published online: 18 Mar 2025
Influencer marketing is a rapidly expanding industry. This qualitative study examines micro-influencers (those with up to 100,000 followers) through 30 in-depth interviews to understand their perceptions of their profession’s reputation, potential improvements, and the level of professionalization within the field. Excessive commercialization and the mismatch between advertised products and the micro-influencer’s profile are identified as the primary factors damaging their reputation. In terms of professionalization, it is common for compensation to be limited to products, which 60% of interviewees consider unfair. Despite these challenges, micro-influencers are eager learners, consistently striving to stay updated in various domains.
Marchán Sanz, C., Fernández Gómez, E., & Feijoo, B. (2025). Micro-influencers: An emerging profession not yet recognized, with a tarnished reputation.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 15(2), e202515.
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