Mobile Phone Usage and Consumption Motivations in Ota, Nigeria
Koblowe Obono 1 *
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1 University of Ibadan, Nigeria
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 94-114.
OPEN ACCESS 2247 Views 1062 Downloads Published online: 26 Oct 2016
Studies in mobile telephony have shown their relevance for Africandevelopment but little is known about the usage patterns andconsumption motivations of different groups in Nigeria. The study examinedthe phenomenon among University staff and students in Ota, with a view to describing the consumption motivations and patterns of mobile phone use. Survey, focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews (IDIs)were used to generate data that explained the study problem. While the quantitative approach highlighted the usage patterns, qualitative methodsdescribed the factors that motivate mobile consumption. Findings show that mobile phones are mostly used for oral communication and social networking by adults and youths, respectively. Usage is predicated on the need for information, accessibility, connectivity, interactivity, networking, entertainment and cost efficiency whileconsumption is motivated by economic incentives, social benefits and convenience of use. Because mobilesnavigate sociocultural, economic and spatial boundaries, they providea ready platform for the dissemination of development messages in Nigeria.andpoint to the need for more attention in explaining the behavioural aspects of mobile technology in the developing countries of sub-Saharan Africa.
Obono, K. (2016). Mobile Phone Usage and Consumption Motivations in Ota, Nigeria.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 6(4), 94-114.
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