New Leader of North Korea: Comparative Coverage of Kim Jong Un by U.S., Chinese, and Japanese Newspapers
Young Joon Lim 1 *
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1 Ohio University, USA
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 137-161.
OPEN ACCESS 1604 Views 1272 Downloads Published online: 24 Apr 2013
Comparative analysis on coverage of North Korea’s new leader Kim Jong Un in the New York Times, the China Daily, and the Japan Times, based on communication theories of framing, press nationalism, and propaganda, identifies that each newspaper’s government interests and foreign policies exert important impacts on the construction of coverage of Kim who was viewed as a notorious or friendly leader.
Lim, Y. J. (2013). New Leader of North Korea: Comparative Coverage of Kim Jong Un by U.S., Chinese, and Japanese Newspapers.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 3(2), 137-161.