New Media, New Technologies and New Communication Opportunities for Deaf/Hard of Hearing People
Chia-Ming Chang 1 *
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1 Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 4, Issue October 2014 - Special Issue, pp. 38-52.
OPEN ACCESS 2057 Views 2023 Downloads Published online: 01 Oct 2014
New media communication technologies have been given increased prevalence in recent years and have brought new forms of communication in our lives such as Social Networking Service (SNS) and Smartphones. As part of this research it is shown there is a communication gap between Deaf/Hard of Hearing people and the hearing community. This paper focuses on the field of new media communication technologies (SNS and Smartphones),investigating the new communication methods by comparing traditional and social communication technologies and aims to explore new communication opportunities that bridge the communication gap between Deaf/Hard of Hearing people and the hearing community. The results of this study show SNS on Smartphones have opened new communication opportunities to Deaf/Hard of Hearing People by providing specific interfaces, such as in the case of the Facebook app on a Smartphone.
Chang, C.-M. (2014). New Media, New Technologies and New Communication Opportunities for Deaf/Hard of Hearing People.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 4(October 2014 - Special Issue), 38-52.
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