Online content strategies for building credible brands: An analysis of the world’s 100 best hospitals

Pablo Medina Aguerrebere 1 * , Eva Medina 2, Toni González Pacanowski 2
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1 Canadian University Dubai, Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
2 University of Alicante, Alicante, SPAIN
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 15, Issue 1, Article No: e202506.
OPEN ACCESS   524 Views   166 Downloads   Published online: 02 Feb 2025
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Health communication experts’ primary responsibility is to build a reputable brand for the hospital. However, they face several challenges: the mass use of online platforms, stakeholders’ new needs, and stricter legal frameworks. This paper analyses how hospitals implement online content strategies to reinforce their scientific credibility and brand reputation. To do that, we conducted a literature review about health communication, hospital brands, and online content initiatives; then, we identified 40 brand indicators to quantitatively analyze how the world’s 100 best hospitals implemented online content strategies to build strong relationships with their stakeholders and promote their brands. Our results proved that most hospitals proposed on their websites special sections for shareholders (98%), patients (95%), media companies (86%), and healthcare professionals (83%); however, on average, hospitals only respected 16,40 brand indicators out of 40 applicable. We concluded that hospitals should professionalize their branding processes, propose different sections for each stakeholder on their websites, and integrate the brand into professional and medical processes.


Medina Aguerrebere, P., Medina, E., & González Pacanowski, T. (2025). Online content strategies for building credible brands: An analysis of the world’s 100 best hospitals. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 15(1), e202506.


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