Online Information and Communication Through WeChat and Chinese Students’ Decisions for Studying in New Zealand

Zarqa Shaheen Ali 1 2 * , Yang Hu 1
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1 ICL Graduate Business School, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
2 University of Auckland, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 12, Issue 4, Article No: e202235.
OPEN ACCESS   1984 Views   1357 Downloads   Published online: 17 Sep 2022
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The objective of this study is to explore Chinese students’ preferences and decisions about studying in New Zealand. The empirical data are collected through a questionnaire, conducted among the Chinese WeChat users studying in tertiary institutions of New Zealand. While the research findings affirm that Chinese students do gain international studying information from WeChat, they may not use it as their primary channel. However, they agree that they like to obtain information about studying, politics, the economy, society, education, career development, and life in New Zealand through platforms on WeChat, and through their friends’ or acquaintances’ WeChat Moments.
The information about the top three important factors are natural environment and general standards of safety (75%); government policies on immigration (74%); and relative stability of the society and economy (65.4%) whereas career development and life in New Zealand (56.7%); availability of scholarships (56.7%); and political and economic environment (52.9%) are of less importance to Chinese students’ decisions of studying in New Zealand.


Ali, Z. S., & Hu, Y. (2022). Online Information and Communication Through WeChat and Chinese Students’ Decisions for Studying in New Zealand. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 12(4), e202235.


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