Person or PC? A Comparison of Human and Computer Coding as Content Analyses Tools Evaluating Severe Weather

Cory L. Armstrong 1 * , Nathan A. Towery 2
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1 University of Alabama, USA
2 Jackson State University, USA
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 12, Issue 2, Article No: e202211.
OPEN ACCESS   1655 Views   1157 Downloads   Published online: 18 Jan 2022
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Computer-aided content analyses programs have been deployed for social science research in recent years; however, few studies have evaluated their effectiveness, compared to human coding. This study uses open-ended responses from respondents seeking information in preparation for Hurricane Michael to compare human- and computer-coding. In particular, the comparison involves the use of Excel as a common and relatively simple coding instrument. Results indicated significant differences between frequencies coded by humans and a computer, with additional findings suggesting that residents employ television as a tool for information gathering when severe weather is imminent. Final discussion focuses on support for a blended model of both human and computer coding, while examining the findings related to severe weather.


Armstrong, C. L., & Towery, N. A. (2022). Person or PC? A Comparison of Human and Computer Coding as Content Analyses Tools Evaluating Severe Weather. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 12(2), e202211.


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