Reality Television, African Identities and the Big Brother Africa show: An Experiential Inquest

Nelson Okorie 1 *
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1 School of Media and Communication, Pan- Atlantic University, NIGERIA
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 10, Issue 3, Article No: e202017.
OPEN ACCESS   3079 Views   2765 Downloads   Published online: 30 Apr 2020
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This study examined how Big Brother Africa has promoted the unique elements of African identities and multicultural images of Africa. This study was anchored on the cultivation theory to explain the nature and influence of Big Brother Africa as a reality TV show. The survey research method was adopted and the questionnaire served as an instrument of data collection. The results indicated that 90% of the respondents had watched BBA Hotshot, while more than 87 % of the respondents indicated that they had watched past editions of BBA. Also, the result indicated that more than 83% believed that BBA promoted African identities in the area of problem solving purposes. This study recommended that there was a need for more reality television shows that promote the indigenous languages and communal living among individuals.


Okorie, N. (2020). Reality Television, African Identities and the Big Brother Africa show: An Experiential Inquest. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 10(3), e202017.


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