Regional Specifics of the Development of Media Brands of Online Media Offices (For Example, the Republic of Tatarstan)

Elena Sergeevna Doroschuk 1 * , Tatiana Sergeevna Staroverova 1
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1 Kazan Federal University, Kazan, RUSSIA
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 9, Issue 4, Article No: e201930.
OPEN ACCESS   2117 Views   1271 Downloads   Published online: 10 Nov 2019
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The phenomenon of mediatization has an impact on social processes and culture, creating a new mediated world in which relentless competition and digital technologies cause the transformation of media systems. A striking case in point is the processes of conquering and retaining market segments in network spaces, which gives rise to new forms of media activity. One of them is media branding in the online media offices. A systematic and integrated approach to the study of regional media allows analyzing the market effects of the development of media brands based on a clear definition of the mission and values ​​of the brand, its relationship and inclusion in the media information policy, infographic design (slogan, legend, trademark, corporate color and logotype, branded fonts, style), as dictated by the multilingualism of the media space. As a result of the study, it has been noted that the media brand is being formed in the minds of the audience, the brand success hinges on the degree of closeness of the real audience to that image that is created in the process of developing the publication’s information policy. A media brand promotes the formation of communities of people that are indicative of promoting media content. The functional features of a regional media brand include: positioning of regional content, language specifics (multilingualism and / or bilingualism), contiguity of an audience, periodic stability of audience dimension, audience communication (representation as a community in a network space). The functions of the media brand in the region are the following: increasing competitiveness; legal protection; providing an emotional bond with the audience; creative stimulation. Four levels of regional media brand formation have been identified through the research: basic (it is possessed by the majority of media – 81.9%; average (13.6%); high – 2.5%; integrated – 2%. In order to successfully create a media brand and manage this process, the media introduces new functional areas of activity, which comprise: image-building, promotion, marketing research, reputation. The media in their website representations use the values of their own media brand that are worth of consumers’ belief to manage readers’ loyalty and build audience loyalty.


Doroschuk, E. S., & Staroverova, T. S. (2019). Regional Specifics of the Development of Media Brands of Online Media Offices (For Example, the Republic of Tatarstan). Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 9(4), e201930.


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