Representation of Emotional Modality in the Materials of English, Russian and Tatar Media
I. G. Akhmetzyanov 1,
N. K. Mullagaliev 1 * ,
A. K. Garaeva 1 More Detail
1 Kazan Federal University, RUSSIA
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 9, Issue 4, Article No: e201929.
OPEN ACCESS 1805 Views 1169 Downloads Published online: 10 Nov 2019
The relevance of this research is closely bound with the general tendency of linguistics in the attempt to reveal the human factor in the language, as the most valuable results of the research are found in comparison of the languages. The goal of this article is to find out the common features and differences in covering the problems of refugees by the journalists in English, Russian and Tatar. The main approach of the research is interdisciplinary which requires the usage of such sciences as Sociology, Journalism and Linguistics. The article deals with the issue of objective (hidden) and subjective (open) emotional modality of the authors of the periodicals of three genetically unrelated languages. Authors consider metaphors as a way of expressing emotional modality and feelings towards the problem of refugees in the world.
Akhmetzyanov, I. G., Mullagaliev, N. K., & Garaeva, A. K. (2019). Representation of Emotional Modality in the Materials of English, Russian and Tatar Media.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 9(4), e201929.
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