Smart Choice: Smartphone Users’ Intentions to Accept Mobile Advertising
Jong-Hyuok Jung 1 *, Yonjung Sung 2, Wei-Na Lee 3
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1 Texas Christian University, USA
2 Southern Methodist University, USA
3 University of Texas at Austin, USA
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 187-202.
OPEN ACCESS 1711 Views 1118 Downloads Published online: 24 Apr 2013
This study explores motivations that influence smartphone users’ intentions to accept mobile advertising. In order to accomplish this research objective, the relationships among various factors identified from past literature were tested via online survey. The empirical findings from the current study suggest that a consumer’s attitude toward mobile advertising from his or her previous experience is the most powerful predictor of intention to accept mobile advertising on smartphones. In addition, consumer perception of the smartphone as a device that is compatible with an individual’s lifestyle and the social benefits of using a smartphone predict intention to accept mobile advertising among smartphone users.
Jung, J.-H., Sung, Y., & Lee, W.-N. (2013). Smart Choice: Smartphone Users’ Intentions to Accept Mobile Advertising.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 3(2), 187-202.