Social Media as a Dialogical Communication Tool: Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Example
Zekiye Beril Akıncı Vural 1,
Gül Coşkun Değirmen 2 * ,
Sezen Ünüvar 3 More Detail
1 Faculty of Communication, Ege University, TURKEY
2 Serik Faculty of Business Administration, Akdeniz University, TURKEY
3 Institute of Social Sciences, Ege University, TURKEY
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 12, Issue 2, Article No: e202210.
OPEN ACCESS 2463 Views 2286 Downloads Published online: 14 Jan 2022
Social media platforms enable organizations to deliver their messages to their target audiences much faster and more economically than traditional media channels. This new communication area also offers corporations unique opportunities by providing a dialogue-based communication opportunity with their stakeholders. The aim of this study is to examine how the social media accounts of İzmir Metropolitan Municipality, the third biggest city of Turkey, is used in terms of dialogical communication. Within this context, the article discusses how much the official social media accounts of İzmir Metropolitan Municipality include dialogic principles and how much dialogic communication with followers is achieved. Within the framework of the dialogical communication criteria developed by Kent and Taylor (1998), quantitative content analysis was carried out for the Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts of the said municipality. The social media accounts of the municipality with a high follower rate were found to be successful in dialogic principles that usefulness of information, ensuring revisits, ease of interface and keeping visitors. However, the communication with the followers was found insufficient in Twitter in terms of the dialogic loop principle, and unsuccessful in Facebook and Instagram. The fact that the social media accounts of the İzmir Metropolitan Municipality are not supportive of the dialogue gives the corporation a negative image. For this reason, it is of great importance for the corporation to fulfill the principle of the dialogical loop as soon as possible.
Akıncı Vural, Z. B., Coşkun Değirmen, G., & Ünüvar, S. (2022). Social Media as a Dialogical Communication Tool: Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Example.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 12(2), e202210.
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