Storytelling in Crisis Communication

Tugce Ertem Eray 1
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1 University of Oregon, USA
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 8, Issue 2, pp. 131-144.
OPEN ACCESS   3937 Views   5110 Downloads   Published online: 24 Apr 2018
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Stories are effective communcation tools because there are no one who doesn’t like them. When a story is heard or listened, it can be a powerful communication tool to awake people’s emotions. Therefore organizations should use storytelling as an effective communication tool. Stories and storytelling are central parts of organizational life, shaping corporate culture and influencing corporate behavior. They help facilitate knowledge sharing, and solve problems and make decisions. They can have an effect on public’s opinion about the organizations. Stories have so many functions in organizations as a communication mechanism and one of them is to deal with crises. There are seven types of storytelling which are used in organizations. This study considers the one which is about how organizations deal with obstacles and aims to prove that storytelling can be used as a communication tool during a crisis. For this, examples are given to understand the current usage of storytelling in crisis communications.


Ertem Eray, T. (2018). Storytelling in Crisis Communication. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 8(2), 131-144.


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