Student Representation of Mass Media as Tool for Forming Public Opinion
Aida V. Kiryakova 1 * ,
Vadim V. Kolga 2,
Andrey S. Yumatov 3,
Valentina P. Smorchkova 4,
Elena N. Romanova 5,
Yury N. Tuganov 6,
Vyacheslav I. Fedulov 7 More Detail
1 Department of the General and Professional Pedagogics, Orenburg State University, Orenburg, RUSSIA
2 Department of Economics and Management, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafieva, Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA
3 Department of Organization Management, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) (Orenburg Branch), Orenburg, RUSSIA
4 Department of Pedagogy, Moscow State Regional University, Mytischi, RUSSIA
5 Department of Foreign Languages and Professional Communication, Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolay Grigoryevich Stoletov, Vladimir, RUSSIA
6 Justice Research Center, Russian State University of Justice, Moscow, RUSSIA
7 Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, RUSSIA
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 10, Issue 3, Article No: e202013.
OPEN ACCESS 2927 Views 3398 Downloads Published online: 09 Apr 2020
The relevance of this article is to study the role of mass media and the extent of their impact on public consciousness, since almost every home has a TV, which is the most accessible way to communicate with the outside world and a means of obtaining information. The strengthening of modern mass media role, especially the Internet and television, in modern society is obvious, since information TV programs are aimed primarily at rapid, regular information about events in domestic and international life; in this regard, the most acute question is about the media as a tool for forming public opinion. The purpose of the study is to analyze students’ perceptions of the mass media as a tool for forming public opinion and students’ attitude to technologies for forming public opinion regarding the production of competitive import-substituting goods and services using the mass media. Research methods: as a research method, we used content analysis of TV shows, which allows us to identify in news: what events were broadcasted, what they said, how and in what context; as well as the interview method, which allows us to identify students’ perception of the media as a tool for forming public opinion and determine the degree of impact of messages contained in the media on public opinion according to students. Results of the research: the article defines the students’ perception of the mass media as a tool for forming public opinion. Verbal forms of presentation of information in television programs, which raised the topic of the production of competitive import-substituting goods and services, their application in various sectors of the economy are defined the rhetoric of news programs on the topics studied is described. It is revealed that these mass media use various information technologies: archetypes, images of folklore, designed to create a positive image of the production process of competitive import-substituting goods and services, the Russian product, and vice versa, a negative image of Europe and the United States. It is revealed that in news programs, the introduction of Western sanctions against Russia is often presented as a positive factor, although the negative impact is also presented quite significantly. It is shown that, according to the students, after the introduction of the food embargo, import substitution programs were introduced for goods produced within the country, which led to new opportunities and development of the potential of Russian citizens. It is determined that students see the role of television as ideological rather than informational. Students allocate the following tools for influencing public consciousness: emotional impact, suggestion, transfer of the private into the General, the use of rumors, the method of using frightening moments, silencing facts.
Kiryakova, A. V., Kolga, V. V., Yumatov, A. S., Smorchkova, V. P., Romanova, E. N., Tuganov, Y. N., & Fedulov, V. I. (2020). Student Representation of Mass Media as Tool for Forming Public Opinion.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 10(3), e202013.
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