Students’ acceptance of flipped learning through Google application
Norasyikin Osman 1 * ,
Siti Salwa Mohd Noor 1,
Norhayati Che Hat 1,
Nurazan Mohmad Rouyan 1,
Khoirun Nisak Mat Saad 1 More Detail
1 Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, MALAYSIA
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 13, Issue 4, Article No: e202360.
OPEN ACCESS 924 Views 817 Downloads Published online: 17 Oct 2023
Since the COVID-19 pandemic plagued the globe, there has been an increased reliance on technology for teaching and learning. Technology has become essential for the continuity of the teaching and learning process at various levels of study. In this technology-based teaching and learning, various approaches can be used to help students master learning content. One approach that is often used is flipped learning, which requires students to explore learning content before the class begins. The objective of this research is to identify students’ acceptance of flipped learning in second language acquisition classes based on Google applications. This is a descriptive study, and a questionnaire was distributed to students to determine their level of acceptance. The questionnaire focused on content design aspects, flipped learning, and Google applications. Additionally, students were asked to provide their reflections after participating in this type of learning. This research involved 85 students in the final year of the bachelor of Arabic studies program at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin in Malaysia. The collected data from the questionnaire was then analyzed to determine the mean value for each item to determine the level of student acceptance. While reflective writing is studied by identifying themes related to student acceptance. The study’s findings indicate that students had a high level of acceptance for learning Arabic with flipped learning via Google application. The students’ reflections were also positive, with themes emerging around increased knowledge, improved technology handling skills, the formation of more creative and critical thinking skills, and the positive impact of group activities. Flipped learning has great potential for implementation because students are more prepared to follow the class. Google application is an excellent choice because it is user-friendly and easily accessible.
Osman, N., Mohd Noor, S. S., Che Hat, N., Mohmad Rouyan, N., & Mat Saad, K. N. (2023). Students’ acceptance of flipped learning through Google application.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 13(4), e202360.
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