Students’ Perception About the Incorporation of Technological Tools in the Educational Field During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ricardo-Adán Salas-Rueda 1 * , Jesús Ramírez-Ortega 1, Clara Alvarado-Zamorano 1, Antonio Domínguez-Hernández 1
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1 Instituto de Ciencias Aplicadas y Tecnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, MEXICO
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 12, Issue 3, Article No: e202218.
OPEN ACCESS   1947 Views   1188 Downloads   Published online: 16 Jun 2022
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Currently, teachers are changing the planning and organization of the courses due to the appearance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This mixed research analyzes the perception of students about the use of Google Classroom, smartphones, and Google Meet through machine learning and decision tree techniques (data science). The participants are 76 students from the National Preparatory School No. 6 “Antonio Caso” who took the universal literature course in the 2021 school year. The incorporation of Google Classroom allowed that these students reviewed the contents, consulted the multimedia resources, sent the tasks and established a communication from anywhere. Also, smartphones allowed the communication in the virtual classes, search for information on the Internet and review of the school contents at any time. Lastly, these students used Google Meet to answer their questions, understand the school topics and actively participate. The machine learning technique indicates that the use of Google Classroom, smartphones, and Google Meet positively influence the active role of the students during the realization of the school activities. The decision tree technique determines 3 predictive models about the use of these technological tools considering the profile of the students. In conclusion, technological tools such as Google Classroom, smartphones, and Google Meet play a fundamental role to plan, organize and carry out new educational activities and practices in the distance modality.


Salas-Rueda, R.-A., Ramírez-Ortega, J., Alvarado-Zamorano, C., & Domínguez-Hernández, A. (2022). Students’ Perception About the Incorporation of Technological Tools in the Educational Field During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 12(3), e202218.


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