The Application of Solutions Journalism: Strategic Communications and Public Affairs Group in Somalia
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1 Assist. Prof. Dr., Department of Journalism, Near East University, Near East Boulevard, Nicosia, CYPRUS
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 9, Issue 3, Article No: e201914.
OPEN ACCESS 2556 Views 2276 Downloads Published online: 14 May 2019
The aim of the current study is to explore the strategic transition from traditional peacekeeping operations to current peacekeeping operations and the conceptual development of solutions journalism with an emphasis on the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) in general and special focus on the Strategic Communications and Public Affairs Group (SCPAG) activities during the Somalia’s 2016 electoral process. In total, 72 videos from Vimeo UNSOM SCPAG channel were coded with regards to conflict frames and solutions journalism during the Somalia’s 2016 Electoral Process. This study provides an overview for the transition from traditional peacekeeping to current peacekeeping operation in order to map the differences in application of UN peacekeeping operations by using already existed studies on the historical background of peacekeeping operations were reviewed. The present data suggests that UN peacekeeping operations in general, and more precisely UNSOM SCPAG have an impact on the strategic communications during the Somalia’s 2016 electoral process, which might be explained as an example of successful solutions journalism. In findings indicate that Somalia’s 2016 electoral process with the help of the UNSOM SCPAG demonstrated not only higher interest on the electoral process, but also higher number of women seats in the parliament as well that it can be said that UNSOM SCPAG activities adopting an active solutions journalism role.
Ciftci, D. (2019). The Application of Solutions Journalism: Strategic Communications and Public Affairs Group in Somalia.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 9(3), e201914.
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