The Effects of Fragmented and Continuous Interruptions on Online Task Performance
Eilat Chen Levy 1,
Yaron Ariel 1 * More Detail
1 Academic College of Emek Yezreel, Jezreel Valley, ISRAEL
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 12, Issue 4, Article No: e202229.
OPEN ACCESS 1973 Views 1408 Downloads Published online: 27 Aug 2022
This study examines the effect of online interruptions on task performance. Two hundred and eighty players played a game designed to simulate an online environment decision-making process. The manipulation was achieved through an intervention design. Participants were exposed to messages in six interruption conditions as they played: (i) slow-fragmented text, (ii) fast-fragmented text, (iii) slow-fragmented image, (iv) fast-fragmented image, (v) continuous text, and (vi) continuous image. We compared text-only interruptions and image interruptions within different rates of interruption. The results indicate that participants with continuous text interruptions display the same performance as those without interruptions; participants who experience fast text interruptions perform the best; participants exposed to slow text interruptions performed poorly on tasks. These results imply the conditions in which controlling the rate and richness of online interruptions could improve task performance.
Levy, E. C., & Ariel, Y. (2022). The Effects of Fragmented and Continuous Interruptions on Online Task Performance.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 12(4), e202229.
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