The Language of Food and Wine Tourism on the Web
Chiara Meluzzi 1 * ,
Silvia Balsamo 1 More Detail
1 University of Pavia, ITALY
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 11, Issue 2, Article No: e202104.
OPEN ACCESS 2543 Views 1797 Downloads Published online: 03 Apr 2021
The language of tourism is considered as one of the many specialized languages, which is characterized mainly by a specific lexicon. Within the many touristic attractiveness, food and wine are representing a specific marketing sector for the companies, and also for new professional profiles like the so-called influencers. Through the analysis of websites and Instagram posts this paper highlights the importance of the customization of messages in talking about food and wine for touristic purposes. Furthermore, it confirms how the language of tourism should be considered as a peculiar and highly variable specialized language.
Meluzzi, C., & Balsamo, S. (2021). The Language of Food and Wine Tourism on the Web.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 11(2), e202104.
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