The Migration from AM Radio to FM Radio in Brazil: Implications for Listeners and Local Broadcasters
Nair Prata 1 * ,
Rafael Medeiros 2 * More Detail
1 Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, BRAZIL
2 Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, BRAZIL
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 11, Issue 3, Article No: e202110.
OPEN ACCESS 1752 Views 1483 Downloads Published online: 17 Jul 2021
The migration of AM (Amplitude Modulation) to FM (Frequency Modulation) radios is the most important change in the configuration of Brazilian broadcasting in years, reaching more than 90% of the stations in the country. This process started in 2013 and the local radio stations were the first ones affected. In Brazil, local radio is an important part of the daily life of small cities, in listening habits shared between people of several generations. This article is based on a wide-ranging survey conducted with listeners from Itatiaia Ouro Preto Radio, a local broadcaster in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. The methodology combined documentary research, application of questionnaires and interviews with the aim of exploring in depth the listeners’ speeches about the intersections between the migration of the station, the changes in radio listening experiences and the potential of local radio in the small historic city. The results show that the changes caused by the migration of AM stations are challenging for these radio stations and are felt by a loyal audience, used to the traditional characteristics of these stations. The phenomenon impacts the forms of production, consumption, circulation, proximity dynamics and key radio functions.
Prata, N., & Medeiros, R. (2021). The Migration from AM Radio to FM Radio in Brazil: Implications for Listeners and Local Broadcasters.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 11(3), e202110.
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