The Role of Strategic Communication Management in Nation Brand Building
Abdullah Ozkan 1 *
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1 Istanbul University, Turkey
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 174-183.
OPEN ACCESS 2033 Views 3791 Downloads Published online: 15 Oct 2015
To be reputable, esteemed and reliable, countries must build their own “nation values” in the 21st century. Therefore, countries gain many advantageous in the political, social and cultural fields as well as being an attraction center. For countries, the strategic communication management paves the way for proper planning, creating effective messages and conveying these messages to the target audiences smoothly and determines a road map to gain success. This paper analyses the multi-dimensional relation between strategic communication management and nation brand, underlines the necessary steps for building nation brand and makes offers for the future.
Ozkan, A. (2015). The Role of Strategic Communication Management in Nation Brand Building.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 5(4), 174-183.