To be a TikToker in COVID-19 Era: An Experience of Social Influence
Rossella Iodice 1 * ,
Concetta Papapicco 1 More Detail
1 University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, ITALY
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 11, Issue 1, Article No: e202103.
OPEN ACCESS 3981 Views 8038 Downloads Published online: 20 Jan 2021
Social networks are able to interface technological innovation and communication with sociality, thus redesigning the forms, practices, purposes of access and its relationship with everyday life, especially at a time when technology becomes the only way to feel part of a social group, like the COVID-19 period. The general objective of the research is to understand the experience of fruition of the social network Tiktok in the sample of participants, heterogeneous and representative of the reference population. The aim is to assess how the user or the entire social group lives the experience of the social because it is assumed that the result of the above experience can become a new form of social influence. The study aims to answer the following research questions: 1. How do people experience this new social media? 2. Is fun the new form of social influence? The methodology used is quantum-qualitative. It is, in fact, proposed first a Netnographic Analysis of observation and description of the social, and then use an automatic Content Analysis supported by Diatextual Analysis (the qualitative part). The results allow to theorize a different form of social influence, or “fun”, which becomes characteristic of the social network and the period.
Iodice, R., & Papapicco, C. (2021). To be a TikToker in COVID-19 Era: An Experience of Social Influence.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 11(1), e202103.
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