Towards New Instructional Design Models in Online English Literature Courses During COVID-19 for Sustainability Assurance in Higher Education

Nasaybah Walid Awajan 1 *
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1 Middle East University, Amman, JORDAN
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 12, Issue 4, Article No: e202241.
OPEN ACCESS   1929 Views   1700 Downloads   Published online: 14 Oct 2022
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The study explores the effect of using new instructional design models in online English literature courses in higher education and explores the effect of their use on students’ performance. This is to assure sustainability in higher education. The study shows the effect of using ADDIE instructional design model along with universal design for learning on students’ performance in online English literature courses in higher education. The study also highlights the major challenges that university professors face when applying the two designs together in online learning. A quantitative approach is applied by distributing a five-part questionnaire to 47 English literature professors from different universities in Jordan who are asked to use both models when planning their online courses. In the last part of the questionnaire, these professors are asked to state the main challenges that they face and are exposed to when applying the two designs together in online learning process. The results of the study reveal that students’ performance increased. There are a few studies that have been conducted to explore new instructional design models to be used in planning online English literature courses in higher education and their effect on students’ performance to assure education sustainability.


Awajan, N. W. (2022). Towards New Instructional Design Models in Online English Literature Courses During COVID-19 for Sustainability Assurance in Higher Education. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 12(4), e202241.


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