Toxic relationship in youth communication through self-love intervention strategy

Novi Andayani Praptiningsih 1 * , Herri Mulyono 1, Benni Setiawan 2
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1 Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA, South Jakarta, INDONESIA
2 Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Depok, INDONESIA
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 14, Issue 2, Article No: e202416.
OPEN ACCESS   3622 Views   3007 Downloads   Published online: 26 Feb 2024
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This study set out to identify and analyze toxic relationships in interpersonal communication among adolescents. The toxic relationship, as an unhealthy relationship, does have an impact on the occurrence of internal conflicts. Such relationships often cause the people involved to encounter unproductiveness and mental disorders, which can trigger an emotional outburst that leads to violence. A qualitative approach was used as the research method. The data collection techniques comprised FGD, observation, and in-depth interviews with informants/participants as primary data. The study findings show that first, the perpetrators of toxic relationships, namely toxic people, could be those closest to the victims, such as the nuclear family (father, mother, and siblings). In addition, the perpetrator could be a lover in an unhealthy romantic relationship or peers and even friends who often do the bullying via verbal, physical, or even sexual violence. Second, toxic relationships can be categorized into several forms, namely unhealthy relationships with friends (‘toxic friendship’), parents/family (‘toxic parenting’), lovers, and cheating parents, which can affect a child’s mentality. Actions necessary include the raising of awareness and concern for the community. If violent behavior occurs, it is not permissible to act permissive. The individual approach carried out during victim assistance can entail consultations in the form of ‘vent sessions’. A powerful way to anticipate being trapped in an unhealthy relationship is via self-love. Counselling is carried out with a self-healing approach to restore victims’ self-confidence and maintain their mental health.


Praptiningsih, N. A., Mulyono, H., & Setiawan, B. (2024). Toxic relationship in youth communication through self-love intervention strategy. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 14(2), e202416.


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